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Alessandro Durando Creative Director, Co-Founder @Nerdo
Anna Quarenghi Event Planner freelance
Carlo Frinolli Puzzilli Head of Design, Founder @Nois3
Francesco Poroli Illustratore freelance
Luca Gonnelli Clients Director, Co-Founder @Illo
Ruben Abbattista Docente di Design della Comunicazione presso IED
Gianluca Diegoli Consulente di marketing freelance
Madeleine Frochaux Illustratrice, Founder @Imperfect
Roberto Necco Grafico freelance
Marianna Martino Caporedattrice, Founder @Zandegù
Erika Vicaretti Art director, Co-Founder @BiancoTangerine
Alberto Bonetti Project Developer, Founder @Imperfect
Debora Bottà Service & UX Designer @NTTData
Andrea Vecera Designer freelance
Massimo Sirelli Artista, grafico freelance e docente @IED
Emanuele Serra Art Director, Co-Founder @DesignPlayground
Francesco Carletto UI-UX designer freelance
Marco Badiani Art director, Founder @Flod
Andrea Pinchi Designer freelance
Riccardo Pirrone Digital Strategist, Founder @KiRweb
Alessandro Di Benedetto Design Director @Sketchin
Davide Tomatis Type & Graphic Designer, Co-Founder @Studio23.56
Amedeo Traversa Motion Designer freelance
Giuliano Ambrosio Creative Strategist @AQuest
Alexandra Korey Head of Digital @Flod
Marco Cassino Product Designer freelance
Alex Bar Brand Specialist e Blogger
Alessandro Pirotti Videomaker, Founder @AirPixel
Gabriele Fumero Type & Graphic Designer, Co-Founder @Studio23.56
Loredana Bontempi Creative Director, Founder @Parcodiyellowstone
Giulia Pesce Product Designer, Co-Founder @SpazioNooi
Michael Morrone Marketing Director, Founder @Tomorrowsland
Matteo Zaghi Product Designer freelance
Ebru Bakkaloglu Architetto d'interni @Chave1890
Annamaria Anelli Business Writer freelance
Elena Chiocchia Blogger, Co-Founder @DesignPlayground